So...this was going to be a main stream entry...but, I decided to take the mix on a tangent. It's a new mix, it's all over the place. Best of the Year Mix is probably next!
More Download2021-11-06
I bought a load of new music, decided to play around and it went a little all over the place. It's a little bit different to a usual episode so I hope you enjoy!
More Download2021-10-15
Bedridden for 13 days by the worst flu ever, I decided to get on a mix with the record button on. This is all new stuff that my frazzly brain put back together in this ways. I hope you like!
More Download2021-10-02
The weather is shocking in the UK right now, biblical rain! So I decided to chuck together a mix of some classic disco tunes, remixes and bootlegs to warm the soul. Enoy!
More Download2021-09-18
Hi Folks, here's a brand new mix of some tunes that I'm really feeling at the moment. Hope you enjoy!
More Download2021-09-04
What happens when you get a silly idea in your head and alcohol and music? An hour of something a little all over the shop?! Enjoy!
More Download2021-08-29
Evening All, decided to do a mix of new and old stuff. It's the end of summer and I'm a bit sad. So it's always good to have some good music in your ears! Mainline mix coming soooon enjoy!
More Download2021-08-14
Some beer, a backlog of new tunes and some old music...
More Download2021-08-03
It's August, the weather is nice, so I thought I'd get on a mix of new tunes before the backlog built up too high! Hope you enjoy!
More Download2021-07-10
It's been a while? Thanks so much for your patience! Finally back with a new mix of Soulful, Disco and House I'm feeling at the moment....now to work on that backlog of tunes I've picked up!
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