It's time for one last regular House Session before we reach the end of the year and head into the Best of 2022 territory. Thank you for listening, I hope you enjoy!
More Download2022-11-04
It's been a while? Here is an all over the shop mix of new things with lots of Piano. I did this live without any planning, but I do love a good fun mix riddled with the odd mistake. See you next month for Best of the Year!!
More Download2022-09-30
Ola! So...today I spoke to my Daughter who chucked me a few tunes she is playing at the moment...and I thought I'd put my own take on them with some stuff I know. Enjoy! I hope?!
More Download2022-09-09
We are at a time in history where there is so much going on that it can start to get you down. I believe that Music can help you feel better, so here's a brand new mix of new and old, to help you forget about what's going on. Hope you smile xx
More Download2022-08-28
What happens when you buy some new tunes, visualise it with some old stuff, get on the decks and hit record? THIS!
More Download2022-08-12
Happy Summer! Here's a mix of some brand new stuff/some bootlegs/some classics that I improvidsed for a change! Enjoy!
More Download2022-07-15
Hey everyone, it's been a while? Here's a mix of brand new stuff that's all over the place. Bit of Soulful, bit of Disco, bit of House, bit of Garage. Enjoy!!
More Download2022-06-10
Hey! Just before I become half a right angle and a new demographic, it's only right I put out a new mix of music for your listening pleasure! If anyone wants to send me a birthday card....only kidding! Enjoy!
More Download2022-05-21
Hi Folks, this was originally meant to be for my residency on another pod, but I've deicded to put it here as a bonus mix for the month instead! A lot of new Piano House mixed with some classics for good measure! Hope you enjoy x
More Download2022-05-01
Got to love a Bank Holiday over in the UK and a chance to do an impromptu mix of new bits I'm feeling. Hope you enjoy!
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