Running out of time to cram as many good tunes into this year before we head into Xmas! Hope you like this one - Enjoy!
More Download2011-11-02
So we step ever closer to the end of another year, but the music never stops! Here is a bumper mix from me - Enjoy
More Download2011-10-09
The tracks keep on coming, so here's some of the stuff I've been playing recently. Enjoy!
More Download2011-09-16
So much new music about, I just had to do another one this month. Here's some upfront stuff from some of my favourite producers right now!
More Download2011-09-06
So Summer's coming to end, so here's an across the board mix of some of the things I've been playing out recently - Enjoy!
More Download2011-08-21
Hi Folks! I've been meaning to do a Latin House Mix for some time, seeing as it's what I used to be known for playing at the back end of last century. So here it is, in time for Carnival Weekend some Latin House, Disco style - Enjoy!!
More Download2011-08-07
A bumper mix for this month as there are so many good tunes out there, along with a smattering of classics - Enjoy!
More Download2011-07-18
Hi Folks, what with it being summer there is an absolute ton of great new music out there that I couldn't resist putting out another mix this month!! Hope you enjoy!
More Download2011-07-03
Hi Folks, so we finally reached the first year of the podcast! Thanks for taking the time to d/l, subscribing and listening!
More Download2011-06-20
Managed to get enough free time to put out an additional mix for your listening pleasure. I've hit my Jackin/Funky/Disco House back catalogue for this one, so hope you enjoy!
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